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IZOTOPE Neutron 3 Standard

Software | HN220347

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Neutron 3 brings your mix workflow into the 21st century, allowing you to use its 8 module plug-ins across your session, independent of the mothership. Easily build your own signal chain alongside your favorite audio plug-ins for the ultimate mixing experience—faster, even better sounding plug-ins in whatever configuration you like. Here’s what’s new in Neutron 3.

Mix Assistant

A great initial level balance is the foundation of a good mix, and now Neutron 3 can help with this crucial task. Mix Assistant, available in Neutron 3 Advanced, gives you a solid starting point for your mix, so you don’t get lost tweaking levels. It listens to your track and provides suggested gain levels for all tracks in your session, automatically grouping tracks by instrument and a focus element of your choice. From there, you can adjust each group to get to a roughly balanced mix, whether you’re working with 100 tracks or 10.

Mix Assistant Developer Pro Tip:

Try to pick just a few (1–3) focus tracks so as not to drown out their impact to the overall mix. Also, while Mix Assistant performs best when it has heard your entire session, it might not be totally necessary to get a good result depending on the nature of your session. As long as Mix Assistant has heard a representative amount of each track actively doing what it’s doing, it’s probably good enough to get you something decent, and you might just need to make more adjustments using the sliders.


New in Neutron 3, Sculptor is like having a per-band army of compressors and EQs working tirelessly to shape your track. It even talks to Track Enhance within Mix Assistant, (our AI-powered mixing processor that helps pick a custom starting point for a track, or an initial level mix) to identify the instrument you’re working with and give real-time feedback to help shape the sound of your track. Sculptor can also work with a chosen instrument profile, letting you experiment with new sounds and make something entirely your own. Here are a few examples of Sculptor on key mix elements.

Masking Meter

Neutron’s Masking Meter is all grown up. With a convenient one-window display and smoother metering—which allows you to simultaneously boost and cut to carve space across two competing tracks—Masking Meter is now even better at helping you find and fix competing elements of your mix. Quickly create space for any instrument, vocal, loop, and more.

Modern, elegant design

Neutron has a completely new look and feel with beautiful, smooth visualizations, and a resizable interface that invites you to step in and take control––don’t forget to check out the lastest design innovations in Neutron 3, straight from our design team. However, some of the most notable improvements to Neutron are under the hood.

Improved performance

You can now insert more instances of Neutron and open sessions faster. We’ve made significant improvements to metering, plug-in startup time, memory usage, processing power, and more. Neutron 3 sessions load up to 3X faster than Neutron 2, load 100 instances in less than 20 seconds, all with (at max) half the memory of Neutron 2.

Neutron 3 is the easiest, most intelligent way to bring unrivaled quality and speed to your mix. Download a free 10-day trial of Neutron 3, complete with the free Visual Mixer. Download your copy today.


  • Software-Typ: Mastering
  • Typ pluginu: Andere Plugins
  • Lizenz-Typ: Vollversion
  • Package: Box
  • Herstellungsland: USA
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